When is advertising with 1-800-HURT-911 not for your law firm?
- If you’re thinking about trying it out for a few months or even a year
- If you’re not committed to long-term advertising
- If you don’t have sufficient money to pay for continued advertising and office overhead with an increased caseload while waiting for personal injury cases to settle
If you’re thinking about trying it out for a few months, you’re wasting your time and money. You should not expect worthwhile results in a few months from any advertising campaign. If you drop out after a year, many future, current, and former clients will continue to call you at 1-800-HURT-911.
If you’re committed, but your budget is running on fumes, you will eventually run out of money and fail.
Why You Should Never Stop Advertising 1-800-HURT-911
A lawyer with three people started advertising 1-800-HURT-911. At the end of the year, he stopped. 12 months later, he called to start again if 1-800-HURT-911 was still available. He stopped because he picked up a lot of cases and was running out of money. It was available, and he continued for another four years and grew to over 40 employees.
Then he called to cancel again because he got an 800 number with the word HURT but with three digits having no meaning like the one circled in the image below, available from a vanity phone number company licensing phone numbers to lawyers.

Vanity phone numbers with the word HURT and three digits without meaning were found to be not worthwhile
Less than two months after he canceled, another lawyer took over the same territory and has been advertising successfully for over five years now. The first lawyer found that his new 800-number was not working so well and because 1-800-HURT-911 was no longer available, he had to license 1-800-HURT-NOW. Now, 1-800-HURT-NOW is helping to bring calls to 1-800-HURT-911.
If you decide to get started, don’t stop.
A More Affordable Vanity Phone Number For Personal Injury Lawyers
888-444-HURT is available at substantially reduced rates for very small advertising budgets of $3,000/month or less.
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Change Your Future!With 1-800-HURT-911®
Find out how Phil and Rob changed their lives and if your state is still available!
Call Phil Franckel, Esq. Now!
7 days / 8 am to 10 pm EST>> 516-621-9399 ext. 5
How Can Personal Injury Lawyers Advertise Without a Vanity Phone Number?
Consider getting started with marketing and/or Internet advertising.
Marketing is extremely effective and inexpensive but can involve a lot of your time. Take a look at our extremely effective marketing campaign for motorcycle accidents to get an idea of what you can do to get the kind of cases you’re interested in. You can pick any kind of niche from a type of case to particular clients, such as clients with a particular political, religious, or country background.
Seminars are very effective for getting clients. You can lecture other personal injury lawyers at CLE seminars, or you can give seminars to the public at organizations. Consider joining together with a chiropractor, physical therapist, physiatrist (PMR), neurologist, or orthopedic surgeon to discuss injury prevention and treatment.
THERE IS ONE MARKETING CAMPAIGN that is the least expensive, least time-consuming, and one of the most effective. It is a direct mail campaign operated automatically just like an email campaign using holiday cards and birthday cards to increase referrals substantially, and it costs only $0.62 per card plus first-class postage. We provide customized 1-800-HURT-911 greeting cards, but you can use this campaign without 1-800-HURT-911 by using any of the over 2,000 stock greeting cards or by making your own custom greeting card. I’ll even help you get started even if you don’t want to use 1-800-HURT-911.
Internet advertising is very effective but tricky and should be done by a Google Ad campaign management company. Otherwise, you can blow through thousands of dollars in a short time without any positive results.
My own law firm is advertising with Google Ads, which is extremely effective. Testing Google Ad titles using 1-800-HURT-911® vs. Franckel & Plevy resulted in a striking advantage in favor of using 1-800-HURT-911® in the Google Ad title vs. our law firm name, BUT advertising with our law firm name without 1-800-HURT-911® in the Google Ad title was also very successful.
The chart below shows projected earnings with a $25,000 per month budget, but our test had a monthly budget of only $5,000 per month. As you can see, it’s worth licensing 1-800-HURT-911® just for Google advertising, but it also shows you can be very successful without it.
Using 1-800-HURT-911® in the Google Ad title with a monthly budget of $5,000 should result in additional legal fees of $33,316 per month.
888-444-HURT is available at a substantially reduced rate and will likely also improve the performance of Google Ads.
Philip L. Franckel, Esq., is the author of this article.
Phil Franckel is the owner of 1-800-HURT-911® and over 1,100 domain names. He is a personal injury lawyer and a former Member of the Board of Directors of the NYS Trial Lawyers Association. He is an expert in branding, advertising, marketing, and SEO. He has been doing SEO since 1994.
Phil Franckel has written and produced TV commercials for lawyers and other industries and has been a consultant to businesses, including several using vanity phone numbers. Phil writes a blog about lawyer advertising at LawyerAdvertisingBlog.com.
Phil Franckel began a mail order business in 8th grade, bought and sold coin-operated amusement games in 10th grade, and a used car business in 12th grade through college. After law school, he worked in the wholesale diamond business and part-time for a TV production company. Later, while a lawyer at a large personal injury law firm, he worked part-time for ABC Wide World of Sports and ABC Monday Night Baseball.
Phil Franckel then started a personal injury law practice and is a former member of the Board of Directors of the NYS Trial Lawyers Association.
In his spare time, Phil Franckel became an Aux. Police Cadet in 12th grade and is the Commanding Officer of the Communications Bureau, NCPD Aux. Police Section.